About The Artist
A stained copper blueish green road leading to a single point on a yellow and white beeswax horizon
Richard's Journey and Career

Born in Washington D.C. in 1950 and raised in the D.C. area, Richard graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor of Arts in 1972. He has exhibited throughout the region, including the Southeast Center for Contemporary Art, and a retrospective at Georgetown University as well as numerous art galleries. Richard has taught at the University of Maryland, and at Georgetown University, and has lectured at George Mason University, as well as Montgomery College. He has worked as a builder, designer, consultant and artist in residence on a number of restaurants and night clubs in Washington, D.C. and a variety of contemporary homes from Maine to South Carolina. 

Richard’s work is in various public and private collections throughout the United States.  Most recent commissions include Channel Square Commission Project in S. W. Washington, D.C., a private commission in Switzerland, the entrance signage for The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley and Mountain Vista in Stephen’s City, Va. The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley in Winchester, Virginia currently has a large sculpture of Richard’s on display on the museum grounds.  Richard has had studios in Greece, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia and presently resides and works in Clear Brook, Virginia.    

Richard's Specialties

A carved piece of stone with distinct fine ridges.
Stone Carving
Richard first started carving stone at the University of Maryland in 1971, where he later taught the stone carving class. He has had stone carving studios in Greece, West Virginia, DC, and now Clear Brook Virginia.
A sign for the Museum of The Shenandoah Valley that is constructed of copper, limestone, and steel with large letters "MSV" and "museum of the Shenandoah Valley" underneath
Various Metals
Self taught in metal fabrication, Richard has made many sculptures in steel, bronze, aluminum, and copper. He's also been commissioned by various architects for custom projects as well as by the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley Museum.
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